Raven Space Systems’ mission is to modernize composite manufacturing with breakthrough 3D printing and Industry 4.0 solutions to build the factories of the future. Raven’s Microwave Assisted Deposition (MAD) 3D printing innovation unlocks the scalable 3D printing of the highest-performance thermoset composite and ceramic composite preform materials.
Blake Herren
Blake Herren is the CEO and Co-founder of Raven Space Systems. He became interested in space and 3D printing in high school and earned a B.S. in aerospace engineering. Herren started Raven while completing his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at the University of Oklahoma, where he investigated advanced composites manufacturing, including 3D printing. He is passionate about making a large impact in the aerospace manufacturing industry using automated solutions.
Critical Need
The U.S. aerospace and defense industry is bottlenecked by the outdated production of its highest-performance materials, thermoset, and ceramic composites. These advanced composites are the apex materials for the most demanding applications, but parts and systems have extremely long lead times, high costs, and limited designs. Furthermore, the processes to make thermoset and ceramic composites are extremely laborious, require extensive tooling, and use huge ovens with backlogged schedules, leading to overly complicated factories and supply chains. New solutions to automate manufacturing and build smart factories are required to address the critical need for advanced composites.
Technology Vision
Raven's MAD 3D printing uniquely automates the manufacturing of thermoset and ceramic composite parts. The team will integrate MAD 3D printers with complementary automated manufacturing devices to gather and analyze data, optimize processes, and, in turn, build the most efficient high-performance composite production lines. Raven’s automated smart factories will eventually be deployed forward in the supply chains for on-demand production at the point of use. Raven is building Industry 4.0 composite manufacturing factories that will drastically reduce lead times to alleviate supply chain bottlenecks, lower the cost of critical components, and usher in a new era of composite manufacturing.
Potential for Impact
The MAD 3D printing technology is a breakthrough in composite manufacturing, and Raven has only begun scratching the surface of its capabilities. Initially, Raven’s MAD 3D printing innovation will be used for rapid, low-cost parts production to solve critical supply chain issues threatening the U.S. industrial base. These early parts will be relatively simple and small. However, the innovation is scalable and will improve drastically with time, including design and material property capabilities. Eventually, Raven’s innovation will change how large-scale composite systems are manufactured, enabling automated production of optimized designs and massively reduced waste and energy consumption.
Raven Space Systems