Activate Berkeley
Work at the center of one of the world's foremost Research and Innovation ecosystems
Over two years, fellows in Berkeley embed in the heart of the Bay Area’s world-class research ecosystem, joining a tight-knit community of innovators and benefiting from Activate’s expansive network. Fellows at Activate Berkeley collaborate with scientists at state-of-the-art National Laboratory facilities and other labs across the Bay Area, including:
Cyclotron Road, Berkeley Lab. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is a multiprogram science lab in the national laboratory system supported by the U.S. Department of Energy through its Office of Science. Through Activate’s partnership with Berkeley Lab, fellows can work hand-in-hand with leading scientists and access exceptional research facilities and tools. Berkeley Lab and its scientists have been recognized with 16 Nobel Prizes and have relevant research capabilities and facilities in the following Areas: Biosciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Computing Sciences, Energy Technologies, Physical Sciences, and Energy Sciences such as Chemistry and Materials.
University of California, Berkeley. A collaborative agreement with UC Berkeley offers fellows access to the university’s research labs or allows fellows to perform collaborative research with UC Berkeley researchers.
With a coalition of philanthropic partners and critical support from the Department of Energy, we identify, fund, and support fellows who are developing new processes and products in the following technology areas:
Advanced Materials
Improving manufacturing efficiency
Industrial decarbonization
Carbon capture, utilization and sequestration
Negative emissions technologies (NET) / carbon dioxide removal (CDR)
Lowering building carbon and energy footprints
Solar energy
Quantum computing
Energy storage for supporting the electric grid
Circularity (Re-X pathways; circular economy)
Food, water, energy nexus
Together, we can help ensure that the U.S. will develop the products and infrastructure necessary for a resilient, sustainable, and equitable economy.
Work within a world-class research system.
A yearly living stipend up to $100K plus a health insurance stipend and travel allowance.
$100K in research funding and access to at least $75K in additional flexible capital.
Mentorship and support from a dedicated fellowship team.
A community of peers who will meet regularly during rigorous cohort-specific and national online programming.
A program of intensive entrepreneurial training.
Multiple in-person meetings with the Activate Berkeley team, other fellows, and the full Activate community.
Networking with Activate’s expansive community across sectors.
Since 2016, Activate has partnered with Berkeley Lab’s Cyclotron Road program to support leading innovators in clean technology, advanced manufacturing, and microelectronics. Fellows have collaborated with more than 70 Berkeley Lab scientists, and the organizations they’ve founded have raised more than $1B in follow-on funding, hired more than 900 employees, and introduced new products across industries such as energy storage, sustainable aviation fuel, plant-based meat, and artificial intelligence. Cyclotron Road is the first of DOE’s Lab-Embedded Entrepreneur Programs (LEEP). It has been supported by funding from several offices at the US DOE, including the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology Office (AMMTO), the Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) the Building Technologies Office (BTO), the Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO), and Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP).
Berkeley Lab researchers are:
Advancing sustainable energy and environmental solutions: Liquid Sunlight Alliance and HydroGEN research hubs; Advanced Biofuels Process Demonstration Unit biofuels and bioproduct scale-up facility.
Creating useful new materials and devices: Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory cleanroom facility (UC Berkeley).
Pushing the frontiers of computing at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center scientific computing center.
Supporting research in nanoscience, biofuels and bioproducts, and genomics at the Advanced Light Source, a soft x-ray synchrotron user facility, and other user facilities.
Learn more about Berkeley Lab’s research. Apply to Cyclotron Road here.
Latest Activate Berkeley news
Berkeley Lab Cyclotron Road key contacts
Melanie Sonsteng | LinkedIn
Program Manager at Cyclotron Road, Berkeley Lab
Tom Kirchstetter | LinkedIn
Chief Science Advisor at Cyclotron Road, Berkeley Lab
Donduk Dovdon | LinkedIn
Cyclotron Road Program Coordinator
Katy Rose DeLeon | LinkedIn
Cyclotron Road Lab Manager
Todd Pray | LinkedIn
Chief Strategic Partnerships Officer at Berkeley Lab
Our location
2600 Tenth Street
Suite 300
Berkeley, CA 94710
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720