Liesel Pritzker Simmons | Co-founder and Principal, Blue Haven Initiative

Liesel Pritzker Simmons (she/her)

Co-founder and Principal, Blue Haven Initiative

Liesel Pritzker Simmons is co-founder and principal of the Blue Haven Initiative, one of the first family offices with an impact investing focus. As an investment strategist, she oversees a portfolio focused on holdings that generate competitive financial returns while addressing social and environmental challenges. An advocate for a more ambitious, engaged agenda among family offices and investors, Pritzer Simmons is a trailblazer and sought-after speaker on the topics of impact investing and next-gen investing. Pritzker Simmons is also co-founder of IDP Foundation, a private Chicago-based foundation focused on achieving universal primary education. There, she helped create the IDP Rising Schools Program, which leverages microfinance networks to empower nearly 450 low-fee private schools established and managed by local entrepreneurs in Ghana.
