Bairitone's AI-powered technology offers affordable, non-invasive diagnostic imaging at home. Bairitone aims to reduce inappropriate diagnostic procedures, cutting healthcare costs while increasing access for underserved communities. This innovation could transform healthcare, prioritizing patient-centric solutions and enhancing overall diagnostic practices.





Meagan Pitcher

Meagan Pitcher is the co-founder and CEO of Bairitone Health, which brings advanced imaging diagnostics into the home environment. Pitcher worked on several neurology and ophthalmology projects at Lexicon Pharmaceuticals and managed a diverse intellectual property portfolio as a Baylor College of Medicine technology transfer officer. She holds a Ph.D. in translational biology and molecular medicine from Baylor College of Medicine and a B.S. in genetics from Texas A&M University.




Critical Need
The healthcare industry in the United States has experienced a staggering surge in the utilization of diagnostic imaging procedures, leading to an annual expenditure of over $100B. While these advanced imaging modalities offer invaluable insights into the human anatomy, a growing body of evidence suggests that a significant fraction of these procedures might be administered inappropriately, offering limited patient benefit and potentially even causing harm.

Technology Vision
Bairitone envisions a transformative AI-powered technology, SOMNAR, designed for anatomical assessments at home. SOMNAR comes from “somnolence” (a tired or sleepy state) and “sonar,” as Bairitone’s sonar-based approach works even during a person's natural sleep.

Potential for Impact
By offering a low-cost, non-invasive imaging alternative, Bairitone's solution could drastically decrease the number of unnecessary imaging procedures and increase access to medical diagnostics to underserved populations. This could result in substantial savings and the opportunity to redirect healthcare expenditures to more valuable avenues. Beyond the financial implications, this technology could bring about a paradigm shift in how we perceive and approach medical diagnostics, placing a stronger emphasis on patient-centric solutions. The ripple effects of this shift could lead to more efficient healthcare practices, improved patient outcomes, and a holistic reimagining of the future of diagnostics.