Carbon removals are not scaling fast enough to meet climate goals, due to limitations in permanent and nature-based solutions. Sinkco Labs is filling this gap by leveraging marine sediments, an untapped reservoir that covers 70 percent of our planet, to deliver permanent, safe, and scalable carbon removal.





Brenna Boehman

Brenna Boehman is an organic geochemist and co-founder of Sinkco Labs. She is a Ph.D. candidate in applied ocean science and engineering at MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and has earned an M.S. in marine microbiology from the Max Planck Institute in Bremen, Germany. She researches the natural processes that control terrestrial organic carbon preservation in marine sediments, and as chief science officer at Sinkco Labs, she enhances this process to deliver permanent carbon removal.




Critical Need
Carbon removals are not scaling fast enough to meet climate goals, and agriculture remains especially challenging to decarbonize. Ten gigaton/year removals are needed by 2050 to keep warming under 1.5°C, a crucial global tipping point. Permanent removals require costly and energy-intensive infrastructure, limiting scalability, and current nature-based solutions lack permanence. The ocean is the largest carbon sink on the planet but is currently underutilized in carbon removal solutions due to challenges associated with permanence, safety, and verification of carbon storage.

Technology Vision
Ocean sediments cover 70 percent of our planet and have a natural ability to store organic carbon for millions of years, yet are absent from existing climate solutions. Sinkco Labs' carbon removal is designed to enhance the natural processes within marine sediments that prevent organic carbon degradation, leveraging nature’s carbon capture and storage efficiency to deliver massive scaling potential. Beyond the sale of carbon credits, Sinkco Labs is innovating pathways to decarbonize agriculture and adjacent sectors through Scope 3 emissions reduction.

Potential for Impact
Sinkco Labs' carbon removal technology can potentially remove over one gigaton of CO2eq/year and rapidly fill the need for permanent and safe carbon removals. At scale, Sinkco Labs’ process will utilize organic wastes from agriculture and biomass-based products and ingredients, closing the waste loop through supply chain decarbonization. By leveraging an untapped natural reservoir with the potential to hold gigatons more carbon, Sinkco Labs’ process will work in harmony with nature and deliver added value beyond carbon credits.


Sinkco Labs