Icarus Quantum is developing the first efficient quantum light generators that enable scalable quantum networking. Such networks will be the backbone of secure long-range communications and modular quantum computing.





Poolad Imany

Poolad Imany is an expert in quantum photonics and quantum networking with 11 years of experience. He received his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University, researching chip-scale quantum optics. Since then, he has been a postdoctoral associate at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), building efficient and scalable quantum light sources. At NIST, he founded Icarus Quantum to commercialize NIST’s quantum dot technology and enable scalable quantum networking.




Critical Need
As quantum computers become more powerful, they can penetrate all encryption methods currently used for communications. To protect communication channels against this threat, using quantum light to distribute encryption provides the only provably secure solution. These quantum networks also enable connecting quantum computers to each other, unlocking their exponential processing power for drug discoveries and optimization algorithms. Icarus Quantum is developing the first efficient quantum light source to enable scalable quantum networking. Icarus' devices will plug into the existing optical fiber networks, bringing a quantum internet one step closer to the general public.

Technology Vision
Icarus Quantum is not just about innovation but also about reliability. The company is developing the first commercial deterministic generator of entangled photons, the backbone of quantum networks. Unlike other sources that rely on probabilistic processes and can only achieve a maximum efficiency of one percent, our quantum dots can boost this process to over 70 percent. This significant leap in efficiency ensures the reliability needed for scaling quantum networks to longer ranges, instilling confidence in the future of quantum technologies. 

Potential for Impact
Quantum networks, such as those enabled by Icarus’s devices, will revolutionize how we transmit and process data. By distributing quantum entanglement between distant network nodes, Icarus enables 100 percent secure communications, which, unlike today’s encryption methods, cannot be broken by quantum computers. Furthermore, these networks can connect quantum computers to each other, exponentially enhancing their processing power for drug discoveries and optimization algorithms. These attractive applications are why the quantum communications market is set to surpass $5.4B by 2029, and Icarus is well-positioned to play a key part in bringing this market to fruition.

Icarus Quantum